New York Lemon Law Requirements

Number of Repairs:  The New York lemon law requires (1) the same nonconformity, or condition has been subject to repair four or more times by the manufacturer or its dealers within the first 18,000 mile

New York Used Car Lemon Law Procedures

The Used Car Lemon law provides a legal remedy for consumers who are buyers or lessees of used cars that turn out to be lemons. The law requires dealers to give consumers a written warranty.  This page incorporate a New York State explanatory page with our comments.  Under this warranty, dealers must repair, free of charge,... Continue Reading →

New York Lemon Law Overview

The New York lemon law requires (1) the same nonconformity, or condition has been subject to repair four or more times by the manufacturer or its dealers within the first 18,000 miles of operation or two years following delivery. These issues arise.

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